
Our Impact

A Look at the statistics


Total Members Enrolled


Average Attendance During School Year


Attend Three or More Days Per Week

Breakdown of Members


Male: 549
Female: 468



Caucasians 77%
African American16%

Asian 1%

Hispanic 1%

Multi Racial 5%

Native American 1%

Average Daily Attendance

School Year: 394
Summer: 214

Other Youth Service

Male: 180
Female: 213


Frequency of members:

3 or more times per week: 48%
2 times per week: 22%

1 time a week: 12%

1 time a month: 16%

5 or fewer times a year: 2%

"Whatever It Takes to Build Great Futures"

There is no silver bullet to success. It takes an army of people, a safe environment, high-quality programs and unique experiences to level the playing field for all kids.

Membership Fees

The Orrville Area Boys & Girls Club will never turn a prospective member away from the Club due to the inability to pay membership or program service fees. Fees are kept as low as possible to ensure all can afford to participate in the diverse program the Boys & Girls Club has to offer.

Yearly Membership Fee $10.00 per member (Sept 1 - Aug 31)
Morning KIDSTOP (before school) $2.00 perday

KIDSTOP (School) $10.00 per week per member

KIDSTOP (Summer) $10.00 per day per member

League Fee $30.00 ($10.00 league fee, $10 T-shirt, $10 Membership)


Scholarships are available to all members who qualify. Please call the Orrville Area Boys & Girls Club for more information.

How Can I Become A Member?

The Orrville Area Boys & Girls Club serves all youth aged 5 through 18 who are enrolled in Kindergarten throuh Twelfth Grade. To sign up, you need a parent/guardian to complete a membership application and pay your membership fee. Again, we never turn a youth away because they cannot afford the membership fee. However, all paperwork must be turned into the Administrative Offices before a member can utilize the Club facility.

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